Curso de A Arquitetura e a Engenharia no Controle de Infecções em Serviços de Saúde – 9h Online (ao vivo pela internet)
Os Estabelecimentos Assistenciais de Saúde (EAS) se diferem dos demais edifícios, em especial, porque os mesmos devem atender a vários princípios e requisitos visando reduzir os riscos de infecção ou contaminação. Isto faz com que os projetos e a construção, reforma ou ampliação destes estabelecimentos sejam bem diferentes de um edifício residencial ou de uma edificação de serviços qualquer.
São várias as normas obrigatórias aplicadas na elaboração dos projetos de EAS, sejam elas normas da ANVISA, da ABNT, do Ministério da Saúde ou das secretarias de saúde. A pandemia da COVID-19 tornou esta temática ainda mais relevante e necessária. Pretende-se ministrar aos alunos noções básicas de controle de infecção e como a arquitetura e a engenharia pode ajudar neste controle.
O curso A Arquitetura e a Engenharia no Controle de Infecções em Serviços de Saúde é imperdível para os profissionais que lidam com o planejamento e a gestão dos ambientes de saúde: arquitetos, engenheiros, médicos, enfermeiros e demais profissionais vinculados ao tema.
Hospitais, laboratórios, clínicas, postos de saúde, consultórios e estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde em geral poderão ser melhor projetados com os conhecimentos transmitidos pela experiência profissional do arquiteto Flávio Bicalho e do engenheiro mecânico Sandro Dolghi neste curso.
As oportunas advertências do Prof. Flávio derrubam mitos e apontam decisões projetuais equivocadas, cujo único efeito é encarecer a construção e a manutenção hospitalar. Por outro lado, conhecer conceitos sobre climatização dos EAS e detalhes das normas técnicas específicas, permitirão projetar ambientes climatizados da forma correta, principalmente os mais críticos e em especial os ambientes das unidades de isolamento respiratório, tão vitais em tempos de Covid-19. Isto o Prof. Sandro mostrará em detalhes.
O curso é uma rara oportunidade de tratar deste tema de fundamental relevância na saúde, permitindo a construção de ambientes através das reflexões provenientes da arquitetura e da engenharia hospitalar.
Livro do Professor Flávio.
What will you learn
- Understand the role of architecture and engineering in infection control in health services by learning concepts, assumptions and project criteria on the topic;
- Know the finishing materials in healthcare buildings, their specificities, characteristics and how they can influence the contamination of environments, materials and people;
- Know the initial concepts about air conditioning in EAS and the details of the technical standards on air conditioning, mainly ABNT’s NBR 7256. Some examples of correctly air-conditioned environments will be shown, mainly critical EAS environments, especially the air conditioning of respiratory isolation units.
How you will benefit
- From this course, the student will be able to better understand the interaction between the environments of an EAS and its care team, and how these interactions influence reductions in patient infection rates and contamination of environments, materials and surfaces in healthcare units. ;
- For architects and engineers, the course will provide a range of specific knowledge that these professionals generally do not find in their degrees.
Target Audience
The course is suitable for architects and engineers working in the healthcare sector, both public and private, and for those who want to start working in this area.
Health professionals such as doctors, nurses, hospital managers, directors of public and private health institutions, health authorities, etc. can and should also participate, that is, all those interested in the subject of design and construction of care establishments. of health, the so-called EAS.
9 hours online
- The role of architecture and engineering in infection control in healthcare services
- Concepts and premises;
- Physical barriers;
- Project criteria;
- Workflows.
- Finishing materials in EAS
- Floors;
- Linings;
- Walls;
- Countertops;
- Taps; soap dishes, paper dispensers, door handles, medical rulers, etc.
- EAS air conditioning
- General project concepts;
- Applied standards;
- Types of air conditioning and corresponding equipment;
- Air conditioning of critical areas, especially respiratory isolation environments
Prof. Esp. Flávio de Castro Bicalho
Prof. Me. Sandro Martins Dolghi
Days and Times
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – 7pm to 10pm
What is included
– Supporting teaching material, digital in PDF format (available via email to participants within 24 hours of the course start date).
– Digital Certificate of Participation – For each registration, a single digital Certificate of Participation will be issued, which will be delivered within 15 days after completing the course. (Please pay attention to the correct spelling of your name when registering online).
General information
The program lasts 9 hours, spread over 3 days in periods of 3 hours each.
The event will be held remotely and broadcast live on the internet.
The link to access the virtual classroom will be sent by email up to 1 hour before the official broadcast.
The content will be shown live in a single presentation.
If you are unable to participate in the live event, in part or in whole, don’t worry, you will be able to access the recording for a period of 30 days.
You can participate from any computer connected to the network and you can interact in real time through chat.
Recording and sharing content
It is strictly prohibited, under penalty of the Law, to record and share classes, in video, audio or photography, in whole or in part, by any means, except when there is prior and express authorization from the organizers.
In the event of an insufficient quorum, impossibility for the teacher to attend, unforeseen events or reasons of force majeure, AEA Educação Continuada reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the scheduled course in order to preserve everyone’s best interests;
In case of cancellation, AEA Educação Continuada will notify all registrants (via email), and will fully refund the amounts paid for registration;
Registrants may request to cancel their registration, via email, up to 10 (ten) days before the start of the course. In this case, the amounts paid will be refunded;
In all cases, we recommend carefully and fully reading the Membership Contract accepted when completing the online registration.